Ţeapă, nu-s cuichis. În schimb, vă răsplătesc cu o povestioară: "The Amazing Myth of the Braindead Rabbit" by Subsemnatu'.
Iepuraşu' se trezi într-o cantitate fascist de mare de materii fecale. "Fascist" e singurul cuvânt suficient de profund şi cu suficiente interpretări, singurul cuvânt suficient de puternic pentru a exprima gradul de căcare pe sine a iepurelui. În fine, trecem peste minuscula paranteză.
Iepuraşu' se trezi, cum am mai zis. Se uită înspre cer, cu ochii înlăcrimaţi, plini de dezamăgire şi impotenţă. Nu credea că va apuca ziua asta. Ziua în care toţi norii se pare că se uită la el. Mama lui i-a zis: "fiule, nu te teme atunci când norii vin să se slobozească pe tine!". El însă ştia (şi avea dreptate în privinţa asta) că nimeni şi nimic nu-l va putea pregăti pentru acest moment. Încercă vechea schemă cu "doggy eyes", uităndu-se la nori în speranţa de a le curma slobozeala. Însă norii nu se lăsau înduplecaţi...
[Methodman:] Yeah... nice. Dedicated to all the beautiful people in the house... You know who you are... yeah. Redman, Methodman, Blackout 2. Sexy. [Verse 1:] Hair n nails done up, girl you got your act together You get the thumbs up. Your raw footage is uncut, Frontin like them goodies is untouched, We both knew these moneys is young bucks, ma You ever take a trip to Shangri la? Too many hardships, the hardest one is saying goodbye Look here, times run, let me save you some time N in your spare time fully understand I'm a rare find... ha you kno, So pick a date and pick a place n we there fo' sho, Slow up the pace this ain't a race n there you go. I'm dope money girl that means I got cash to blow. She love it tho, she's so international. Not around the way you round the world N you be stuntin' when you 'round your girls, but you classy tho. I'm feelin your vibe you're feelin how high the G4's ready to fly, is you ready to ride? Let's go! [Chorus 1:] Mrs. International... Now we can creame, we can lay on the beach you know, Then hit the sheets, I'll let you play with my feets you kno. She keep it low, she's so international! International... [Redman:] Hey, I like a girl that would roll me a ***** you know, With pretty feet, cook me something to eat you know, You're not a groupie, you're international! [Verse 2:] (Yo)Heyy... You know me girl, who I be girl, The big whale that bailed outta sea world. What's yo name, show me ID girl. You look Black n a lil Chinese girl. Hey wait a minute, where you going shorty? Tryna sneak past me like you ain't ballin', You look sweet like tweet baby, ca-ca-call me. [ Method Man & Redman Lyrics are found on www.songlyrics.com ] Matter of fact, wasn't you on Maury? I'm just playin. Hey miss thang, hey miss thang, how you gon miss meh? I got tickets, let's roll to the Knicks game. You Tina Marie, n baby I'm Rick James, Excuse meh, where you goin mama? I wanted change, I voted for Obama Bring in the new, kick out the old timers Let's talk while we goin ta meet yo mama! [Chorus 2:] Mrs. International... Hey, I like a girl that's thick in the waist you know, The kinda girl that'd finish her plate you know? You're not greedy, You're international International... [Methodman:] The type of chick I'm like whillie a bunk you know, Rock the mike, roll the Phillie up tight you know? I like it tho she's so international... [Verse 3:] Seems to me(me), you a queen to be You mean girl but you don't mean to be Got your crown and your thrown, A little cast so you can rest your dome, And we can smoke a little ****** you know? You gettin' that dough, let's get it and go On this cruise we're takin it slow, You're paintin your toes, n that's cool. Fuck with your dude whose fuckin with you, Like an overnight celebrity Ms. Nothin-to-lose. [Redman:] Yo, Hey(Hey) miss lady, my Boriqua, I heard your apple pomme like bonita, Your accent tellin' me you from the east side Take off your shoes, you're bout five feet highhh! I get highh! what about you? A jungle brotha, and baby I'll house you. Your feet lookin real good in them house shoes. You're not a groupie, you're international. International... (A-aalll) International...
1. Luaţi cartea cea mai la îndemână, deschideţi la pagina 18 şi scrieţi aici cel de-al patrulea rând. ............:)) 2. Fără să verificaţi, cât e ora? Macs.im şas.ă. 3. Verificaţi! 2:04 PM. Deci am avut dreptate, nu-i trecut de 6 PM. 4. Cum sunteţi îmbrăcat(ă)? Sunt în pula goală, da' nu mai spuneţi la nimeni! 5. Înainte de a răspunde la acest chestionar, la ce vă uitaţi? La tavan. 6. Ce zgomot auziţi în afară de cel al calculatorului? Tarkan - Dudu. 7. Când aţi ieşit ultima dată şi pentru ce? Aseară, ca să beau. 8. Ce aţi visat ieri noaptea? Eram o ţestoasă şi fugeam de o Toyota Supra. Panică mare... 9. Când aţi râs ultima dată? Aseară. 10. Ce aveţi pe pereţii încăperii unde sunteţi? Igrasie. 11. Dacă aţi deveni multimilionari peste noapte care ar fi primul lucru pe care l-aţi cumpăra? Sufletele oamenilor. Muhahahaha, gen. 12. Care este ultimul film pe care l-aţi vazut? We're no Angels. Robert de Niro, Sean Penn, Demi Moore ş.a. 13. Aţi văzut ceva neobişnuit astăzi? PESCĂRUŞI ÎN ŢOALE DE ARMATĂ, ÎN PULA MEA!!!!11111oneoneone 14. Ce părere aveţi despre acest chestionar? Reuşeşte să facă ceea ce (cred) că-şi propune, adică îmi umple timpul. 15. Spuneţi-ne ceva ce nu ştim încă. Moş Crăciun nu există. 16. Care este prenumele copilului dvs. dacă ar fi vorba despre o fetiţă Salmonela. 17. Şi dacă ar fi vorba de un băiat? Şarmantu'. 18. V-aţi gândit deja să locuiţi în străinătate? Da, la Istanbul. Când o să strâng suficienţi bani. Adică la pulivară. 19. Ce aţi dori ca Dumnezeu să vă spună când intraţi pe porţile Raiului? "We're sorry to have kept you waiting." 20. Dacă aţi putea schimba ceva în lume, în afară de politică, ce aţi schimba? Legile fizicii cel mai probabil. 21.Vă place să dansaţi? Nu prea. Doar când sunt beat. 22. George Bush? Nu. CoajăDeCopac. 23. Ce aţi văzut la tv. ultima dată? MythBusters.
Personality Occupying the 7th position on the Chinese Zodiac, the Horse symbolizes such character traits as strength, energy, and an outgoing nature. Extremely animated, Horses thrive when they’re the center of attention. Always in search of a good time, Horses keep the crowds happy with their humor and their wit. Horses are extremely intelligent so they’re able to grasp new subjects with ease. They’re also capable of multi-tasking however they don’t always finish what they start because they’re forever chasing the next opportunity. Horses are honest, friendly and open-minded. They’re perhaps a bit too centered on themselves and have been known to throw tantrums when situations don’t go their way. Health Horses are very healthy, most likely because they maintain a positive outlook on life and because they’re athletic. Lead Horses to wide, open spaces and watch them run free! Horses will usually only feel ill when they’re trapped inside. Career Horses enjoy positions in which they can interact with others. They aren’t fond of taking orders and they’ll run from jobs they consider routine. They’re able to grasp new subjects with ease making them capable of handling most any job. They’re effective communicators and they enjoy power. Good career choices for Horses include: publicist, sales representative, journalist, language instructor, translator, bartender, performer, tour operator, librarian or pilot. Relationships *Horses, being spontaneous, have a tendency to fall fast and hard for others. They tend to give themselves fully in each new relationship a quality that ends up chipping away at their inner being. Fortunately, this exhausting trait mellows with age and relationships are stronger and more stable later in life. Horses and the 5 elements Metal Horse – Years 1930 and 1990 *Free-spirited in every sense of the word, commitment is the easiest way to scare Metal Horses away. They prefer jumping from one relationship or job to the next. Because of this, Metal Horses make better friends than partners. Water Horses – Years 1942 and 2002 Adaptable yet indecisive, Water Horses have a tendency to flow like the current. They have trouble making up their minds and as a result, they always seem to be confusing others. And although this behavior can be frustrating, Water Horses are fun to be around so most people just get used to it. Wood Horses – Years 1954 and 2014 Stable and strong, Wood Horses are better able to make decisions. They interact well with others; a trait that enables them to have more successful personal and professional relationships. Fire Horses – Years 1906 and 1966 The fire is always burning inside Fire Horses. They love living on the edge and are always ready for change as change always is more interesting. They are incredibly opinionated and one place you’ll never find Fire Horses is standing on the fence. Earth Horses – Years 1918 and 1978 Earth Horses will work to meet their goals, no matter how long it takes. They’ve got the ability to view situations from all perspectives and this ability is especially useful when it comes to making decisions. They’re very adaptable and they’re funny too. Compatibility Horses are compatible with a Dog or Tiger and incompatible with a Rat or Monkey.
Indiferent cum se numesc, asta-i numai ceva gen ping pentru blog, mă asigur doar că nu moare. Gen, să crape, nu să plece 0.5 de vizitator pe zi înspre alte meleaguri, mă doare-n pulă de jumătăţi de măsură. Deci:
- Am ars totalu' exportat de Rusia anual în materie de gaz. Adică mult şi cu stil. Cu mult stil.
- Mă dor deştele de la seminţe.
- Ficatu' cere alcool mult. Cred că am 2 luni de când n-am mai consumat la capacitate normală (nu zic "maximă" că iese urât dacă ajung acolo).
- Wu-Tang!
- Nu mai iese albumu' lu' Damian vara asta. Fuck.
- Still Searching (să fiu tot pe zonă cu Damian).
- 'ete Luna, 'ete Caru', stelele se vede...faină noapte. Şi io stau aici. Hmpf.
- Nu mai am ţigări. Care aruncă în direcţia mea un Chesterfield roşu? Banii la primul salariu, să moară Jean.
- Macs.im în continuare.
- Vreau să-mi cumpăr un cangur de companie. Ştie cineva preţuri, cât mănâncă, de cât spaţiu au nevoie, et cetera?
- Sunt fascinat de reclame proaste, ca întotdeauna.
- Vă zic un secret. Ştiaţi că...
Muie, altă dată. Ha, v-am ţinut în suspans. I am teh winnur. Crap, I'm lame.
For that s.pecial s.omeone. Always. Mă refeream la hip-hop, nu s.ăriţi, jigodiilor.
Y'all know how I met her We broke up, got back together To get her back I had to sweat her Thought she rolled with bad boys forever In many ways them boys made it better to grow I had to let her She needed cheddar, and I understood that Looking for cheese, that don't make her a hood rat In fact she's a queen to me, her light beams on me I love it when she sings to me...
Da, trebuiesc explicate anumite chestii. Nimeni face ceva pentru că vrea musai să facă lucrul respectiv. Chestiile urmează anumite traiectorii definite de anumite trăiri. Atât am avut de spus. Ah, şi da, ascult numa' rep, baga-v-aţi pula-n cur. Să muriţi de ciudă (în playlist am în continuare DT şi Phoenix, dar neiniţiaţii cred că tot ce zboară se mănâncă şi gen). Nu mai zic nimica. Gata, punct. Lăsăm aşa, că altfel iese urât. Foarte.