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If I were

If I were a month, I would be May.

A day of the week, I would be Friday.

A time of day, I would be 12:12 PM.

A planet, I would be (in) Ur.Anus.

A direction, I would be South-Southwest.

A historical figure, I would be Terente.

A liquid, I would be sea water.

A tree, I would be a sequoia.

A plant, I would be a rice plant.

A kind of weather, I would be hot as Hell. Wait, I am. :D

A musical instrument, I would be a drum.

An animal, I would be a bull.

A colour, I would be white.

A fruit, I would be a banana.

A sound, I would be moaning :D

An element, I would be Awesomium.

A song, I would be MC Vagina - Show me your genitals.

A book, I would be something cheap, with a lot of pictures and no letters.

A place, I would be Australia, mate!

A word, I would be awesome.

A scent, I would be chicken breast with rice.

A body part, I would be the hair around the tits.

An object, I would be a dildo.

A facial expression, I would be a retarded smile.

A psychological disorder, I would be mindfuckia.

A state of mind, I would be New York. (get it?)

A number, I would be 69.

A mineral, I would be dirt.

A symbol, I would be ... .

A constellation, I would be Taurus.